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Pineal Peptide Endoluten® 20 Capsules

Biologically active food supplement


Endoluten® is the pineal peptide bioregulator.

  • Regulates melatonin to help improve sleep and reduce stress

  • Helps boost libido in those of advanced age

  • Serves the same role as peptide bio-regulators developed naturally in the body

  • Helps prevent cancer in the prostate, bladder, and reproductive glands


Endoluten® - The pineal peptide bioregulator.
New Russian peptide revolution


Designed to boost and protect pineal gland function, peptide bioregulator, Endoluten, helps to support the body’s natural rhythms such as wakefulness and drowsiness. Therefore, it can help to ward off a number of problems associated with sleep disruption including:

                                - disorientation
                                - fatigue
                                - a lowered immune system
                                - depression


Endoluten is a dietary supplement with natural pineal gland peptides. It normalizes the function of the pineal gland by reducing its peptide deficiency and restoring protein synthesis inside its cells.

A person’s lifespan depends greatly on the health of this gland, because it regulates all cyclic processes in the body by secreting melatonin. The pineal gland peptides have beneficial effects on the neuroendocrine, immune, cardiovascular, and reproductive systems, as well as carbohydrate metabolism, sleep, bone marrow, bones, and joints. Endoluten can also lengthen telomeres, the “protective caps” of chromosomes, and increase the Hayflick limit, the number of times a human cell can divide before cell division stops.

Pineal gland malfunction that comes with age may lead to cancers, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, depression, peptic ulcers, sexual disorders, and other illnesses.


Prof. Khavinson considers Endoluten to be the most effective product available for preventing premature aging and increasing the lifespan.


Endoluten may be used with Vladonix, Visoluten, Cerluten and Glandokort depending upon the condition being treate


Presentation and Pack: Produced in capsules 0.2g each. One pack contains 20 capsules

Ingredients (per 1 capsule): micro crystalline cellulose (E460); beet sugar; sugar; lactose; starch; peptide complex A-8 (epiphysis peptides).


Daily dose contains: (2 capsules), 20mg of peptide complex A-8 (epiphysis peptides).

Contraindications: an individual tolerance of components, pregnancy, lactation

Storage conditions: keep in dry dark place under temperature from +2°C to +25°C

Shelf Life: 3 years from the date of production


Recommendations for application: adults take 1-2 capsules. 1-2 times a day during meals.


Receiving duration: one month

Pineal Peptide Endoluten® 20 Capsules

$79.95 Regular Price
$75.95Sale Price
  • Peptide Bio-regulators, gene switches that could replace stem cells!
    This former Russian military secret is now available to the public!


    Russian peptide technology was founded during the Cold War years- to help protect elements of the then Soviet forces.  Today Professor Vladimir Khavinson is the President of the European Academy of Gerontology and Geriatrics, but in the 1980’s he was a Colonel in the Soviet Union military medical corps. At the time, he and his team were approached by Kremlin officials, they wanted them to find a way to protect their troops from a myriad of problems; issues such as radiation for submariners in nuclear submarines to troops that may be blinded from known, (but thankfully unused) new weapons such as battlefield lasers.


    What their secret research uncovered - that was used for two decades on many thousands of men and women - was a remarkable link between short chain peptides and DNA.


    Now their published research is in the open and it identifies that each organ / gland / tissue uses a highly specific short chain peptide to act as a ‘short cut’ to initiate protein synthesis. These peptides can be found in food and unlike proteins they can enter the blood through the stomach. Through a comprehensive list of patents and even copyrighted PowerPoint slides, the Russian research group are showing that each of the concentrated peptide bioregulators so far examined interact with particular strands of DNA - effectively and very specifically activating repair and regenerative processes.


    This is a remarkable story since what we are describing here are individualised gene switches and since they have been tested for many years on thousands of individuals, without report of any serious side effects or contraindications to date, they could be set to ‘out do’ stem cells. Why? Because this peptide therapy is relatively cheap, highly specific, can be taken orally and doesn’t require any suppression of the immune system to operate fully.


    Professor Khavinson and his award winning team at the St Petersburg Institute of Biogerontology have discovered that each organ / gland has a biological reserve and despite the origin of the tissue they have studied, incredibly each one is always set at 42%


    Even dosing doesn’t need to be daily, these peptide bioregulators have been shown to act even after a simple course of 2 capsules daily for 10-days. Healthy individuals only being encouraged to repeat the course 6-months later, although of course depending on the need this course can be repeated every 3-months, 2-months or 1-month if necessary. But compared to a hormone replacement therapy this is interesting, since hormones would require almost daily application. But these peptide bioregulators aren’t hormones, they are acting on the gland concerned to ‘encourage’ it to become active and effectively ‘younger’ by triggering  activating the DNA responsible.


    Peptide supplements
    For many years the peptide preparations were available only as medicines, in the form of injections. However some years ago Prof. Khavinson and the Russian St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology created dietary supplements that can also reduce peptide deficiency and restore peptide-protein cycle in cells. They can be divided into natural (Cytomaxes) and synthesized (Cytogens) russian peptide bioregulators.

    Natural russian peptide bioregulators (Cytomaxes)
    Natural russian peptide bioregulators is a group of peptides of less than 50 amino acids and with a molecular mass of less than 5 kDa, free from foreign DNA or protein substance, extracted from organs and tissues of young calves by a patented method of thorough filtering. 5 kDa is very little. The molecular mass of DNA fragments and proteinaceous infectious particles, the prions, are several times bigger than that. Therefore these natural russian peptide supplements are extremely clean products. They do not have any immunogenic or mutagenic properties.


    Inside the gastrointestinal tract the natural russian peptide bioregulators break down into amino acids and di-, tri- and tetrapeptides that match the DNA in a complementary way and activate protein synthesis in the respective body system. Their performance is gentle and gradual. Their effect continues to grow even after finishing the supplementation course and lasts up to 4-6 months until the peptide-protein cycle is impaired again.

    Synthesized peptide bioregulators (Cytogens)
    The analysis of natural peptides was used to detect the most active peptide from a group, which was later replicated in a lab. Synthesized (Cytogens) peptide bioregulators supplement contains only one peptide molecule whereas natural one includes a group of molecules.


    Synthesized peptides have an immediate impact compared to natural peptides and have a faster, yet more short-lived effect (1.5-2 months). Such peptides are typically used to start the initial peptide deficiency treatment. However, it is advised to switch to natural (Cytomaxes) peptides as a follow-up course.

    Both types of peptides are efficient, safe to use, have no side effects and are compatible among themselves and with other products. As for the choice between natural and synthesized russian peptides, it depends on a particular situation. However, in most cases synthesized peptides, if available, are administered prior to the use of natural peptides.

    Buy Russian natural peptide bioregulators online from MHC an official distributor in the US.

    What is a peptide bioregulator?
    A peptide is a short chain of amino acids, identified by the fact that it is shorter than a protein, and so can be absorbed easily via the digestive system. Each organ or bodily function has its own unique peptide bioregulator.  Peptide bioregulators have been shown to shortcut the protein synthesis process by interacting directly with cell DNA – meaning that organs can build and repair tissues easier and quicker when peptide bioregulators are active.


    Can Endoluten be consumed alongside any other supplements?
    As they are each tailored to a specific gene, there is no problem with consuming multiple supplements at one time.


    Would you recommend Endoluten for people with metabolic disorders?
    Yes, clinical studies have uncovered that Endoluten helps to regulate metabolism.


    Can Endoluten be used to regulate sleep?
    As it promotes melatonin secretion, Endoluten could be used to encourage a regular sleep pattern.


    Is there an age limit to using this bioregulator?
    Peptide bioregulators like Endoluten can be consumed by any age group.


    Are there any known side effects for using this supplement?
    Endoluten has been tested for many years on thousands of individuals, without reports of any serious side effects.


    How should a 70 year old lady with Multiple Sclerosis be treated?
    A difficult case but you can try Cerluten® - nervous system peptide, Endoluten® - pineal peptide, and Ventfort® - blood vessel peptide. You can combine them for example in the following way: 1 capsule of each in the morning and 1 capsule of each again in the evening for at least 30 days; repeated as necessary.


    How should a 67-year old post-menopausal woman who has chronic insomnia be treated?
    Try Endoluten® - pineal peptide - 2 capsules daily for 1-month, repeated as necessary. This will improve melatonin secretion.


    How should a 68 year old man with chronic fatigue with sleep problems be treated?
    Try Endoluten® - pineal peptide - 2 capsules daily for 1 month but this may require regular repeat dosing.


    How should an insulin dependent diabetic be treated?
    Difficult if there is a strong insulin dependency, try Suprefort® - pancreas peptide - and Endoluten® - pineal peptide.


    How should a type 2 diabetic or a person with metabolic syndrome/insulin resistance be treated?
    Combine Suprefort® -pancreas peptide - and Endoluten® - pineal peptide


    How to correct disorders of the immune system?
    Combine Vladonix® - thymus peptide, Endoluten® - pineal peptide and Ventfort® -blood vessel peptide


    What combination of peptides should i take?
    According to Prof. Vladimir Khavinson, the president of European Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, the first class combination consists of Endoluten (Neuro-endocrine system), Vladonix (Immune system), Cerluten (Brain), Sigumir (Joints and Bones), Svetinorm (Liver) and Ventfort (Blood vessels) for one or two months twice a year. Endoluten and Vladonix are the two most important geroprotector that are able to extend life by 30-40%.

    Here are some general recommendations:


    Natural Peptides Combinations

    • Digestive System: A-7 Svetinorm A-1 Suprefort A-10 Stamakort

    • Cardiovascular system: A-3 Ventfort A-14 Chelochart A-6 Vladonix

    • Central nervous system:    A-5 Cerluten A-3 Ventfort  A-7 Svetinorm

    • Immune system:    A-8 Endoluten A-6 Vladonix®  A-3 Ventfort

    • Locomotor apparatus:    A-4 Sigumir A-3 Ventfort A-6 Vladonix A-21 Bonothyrk

    • Carbohydrate metabolism disorders:    A-1 Suprefort A-3 Ventfort

    • Lipoprotein metabolism disorders:    A-7 Svetinorm A-1 Suprefort A-3 Ventfort

    • Thyroid gland:    A-2 Thyreogen A-3 Ventfort

    • Adverse factors (chemotherapy, long-term ionizing irradiation):   A-6 Vladonix A-7 Svetinorm A-8 Endoluten  A-20 Bonomarlot

    • Adverse factors (professional or psychoemotional stress):   A-6 Vladonix A-8 Endoluten A-17 Glandokort

    • Visual organ:    A-11 Visoluten A-5 Cerluten A-3 Ventfort

    • Urinary excretory system:    A-6 Vladonix A-12 Chitomur A-9 Pielotax

    • Male reproductive system:    A-13 Testoluten A-16 Libidon A-17 Glandokort

    • Female reproductive system:    A-15 Zhenoluten A-2 Thyreogen A-3 Ventfort

    • Respiratory system:    A-6 Vladonix A-19 Taxorest A-3 Ventfort

    • Intensive physical activity:    A-6 Vladonix A-4 Sigumir A-3 Ventfort A-18 Gotratix A-5 Cerluten


    Clinical Study Of Endoluten® Peptide Bio-regulator


    The dietary supplement Endoluten contains a complex of low-molecular peptides with molecular weight up to 5000 Da, isolated from pineal gland (epiphysis) of young animals - calves aged up to 12 months. Endoluten is manufactured in the form of capsules with a content of active substance of 10 mg.


    Experimental studies have shown that the peptides possess tissue-specific action on the cells of the tissues from which they were isolated. Endoluten peptides regulate metabolism processes in neuroendocrine cells of various tissues, including epiphysis, increase neuroendocrine system safety margins, having a favorable effect on the organism adaptation processes in extreme conditions; they possess anti-oxidative properties, regulating peroxide oxidation processes in various tissues. So it is possible to extrapolate an efficiency of administration of Endoluten for restoration of neuroendocrine regulation in case of its disorders of various origins. According to the results of experiments, Endoluten provides normalization of neuroendocrine regulation of basic functions of the organism.


    It is well known, that decrease in functional activity of epiphysis results in decoupling of nervous, endocrine and immune systems, and provide development of various diseases and pathological conditions. An influence of extreme environmental, climatic-geographic, professional, psycho-emotional factors on human organism also results in neuroendocrine and immunological disorders, causing disadaptation disorders and psychosomatic diseases (3, 4, 5, 6).

    Medicinal treatment of the diseases and pathological conditions includes application of various medicines, depending on symptoms of the disease.


    However the correction of the disorders is based on prescription of various medicines (1, 2):
    • Adaptogens (ginseng, eleuterococcus, Rhaponticum carthamoides, Snowdon rose extracts, spikenard, devil’s-club infusions, saparal, pantocrin);
    • Peptide immunomodulators (timalin, tactivin, timogen, mylopeptide);
    • Epiphysis hormone (melatonin)
    • Epiphysis peptides (epitalamin)
    • Multivitamins etc.


    However the drugs have side effects and cannot be prescribed for prevention of the listed pathological conditions. In this connection development of new effective and safe means for prophylaxis and increase in efficiency of treatment of patients with pathological conditions, related to neuroendocrine regulation disorders, is an pressing issue


    Clinical studies of Endoluten were carried out in 163 patients (including 48 men and 115 women) with dyshormonal myocardiodystrophy, physiogenic asthenia, mild and moderate climacteric syndrome in women and in oncological patients after the courses of radiation and chemotherapy, who have undergone a course of treatment at the Medical center of Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology of the Northwest Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences from January 2011 to August 2011. Distribution of the patients by clinical entities, sex and age is shown in the table 1.

    Table 1

    Distribution of the patients by clinical entities, sex and age


    The patients were randomized into 2 groups, according to their clinical entity: control groups included 64 persons taking general purpose treatment for their diseases (1, 2). The patients with hormone replacement therapy were not included in the study.

    The patients of the main group have been taking Endoluten in addition to the general purpose medicines - 1-2 capsules, 2-3 times a day before meal for 15-30 days depending on intensity of the pathological process.


    Examination methods
    Endoluten efficiency study was carried out on the basis of generally accepted examination methods. The patient complaints were assessed and compared; general clinical studies of blood and urine, biochemical blood test, electrocardiogram were carried out. The number and functional activity of peripheral blood lymphocytes were assessed using immunological methods. The hormone content (follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone) in blood serum was determined using radioimmunological method. An assessment of psychophysiological parameters was made using correction task and Lüscher test.


    Examination results
    Endoluten administration in patients with dyshormonal myocardiodystrophy has resulted in improvement of subjective parameters of the disease, which resulted in decrease in the number of heart pain attacks, increase in working capacity and normalization of psychoemotional condition.

    Table 2

    Endoluten influence on the amount of hypothesis hormones in blood serum оf patients with dyshormonal myocardiodystrophy


    Endoluten administration resulted in positive ECG dynamics. Determination of the level of hormones in the blood serum in patient of the basic group has helped to identify a decrease in the level of initial elevated FSH from 89,3±3,5 mU/ml to 46,8±3,9 mU/ml, while normal range is 1,5-45 mU/ml, and in patients of the control group only to 71,6±6,3 mU/ml, which is reliably lower than the parameter before treatment, however much higher than norm (table 2). The same tendency was observed in the LH content dynamics: in patients of the main group under Endoluten influence this parameter has decreased to normal values, while in the control group it has considerably decreased in comparison with the parameter before treatment, but was much higher than norm. Estradiol content, which was initially reliably decreased in female patients of both groups, has increased from 65,4±5,2 pmol/l to 101,3±7,2 pmol/l and was closer to the normal value (110-734 pmol/l), while in patients of the control group this parameter has elevated only to 79,1±4,2 pmol/l


    The study carried out has helped to identify corrective influence of Endoluten on hormonal disbalance, which resulted in normalization of metabolism in myocardium tissues, which has correlated with improvement of the clinical picture of the disease.


    Same tendencies of normalization of the hormonal status were observed in patients with climacteric syndrome of mild and moderate degree: Endoluten results in restoration of the hypophysis hormone balance, which correlated with relief of main symptoms. The results of study of Endoluten efficiency in women with climacteric syndrome are shown in table 3. 


    According to the table 3, administration of Endoluten in patients with climacteric syndrome resulted in improvement of subjective parameters, which caused a reliable decrease in the number of pain attacks in comparison with the parameters before treatment, in the area of heart, dizziness, heart “freezing” feeling and sleep improvement. Besides it resulted in decrease in the number of complaints of tachycardia attacks, perspiration, hot flashes in the head and upper body, blood pressure fluctuation in comparison with patients before treatment and after treatment using general purpose medicines (table 3). After the course of Endoluten the patient have noticed considerable increase in working efficiency, which they related to normalization of psychoemotional condition. What stands out in the report is the fact, that the preparation effect was characterized by stable aftereffect. So in 1-2 month after the end of the course of Endoluten, the symptoms like dizziness, tinnitus, general weakness, sleep disturbances did not relapse.

    Table 3

    Dynamics of subjective parameters in patients with climacteric syndrome


    Endoluten was also used for complex therapy of men with physiogenic asthenia. The preparation effected marked corrective action on the dynamics of subjective parameters. Men with physiogenic asthenia were complaining of general weakness, dizziness, high fatigability, decreased working capacity and sleep disturbances.

    An addition of Endoluten to the treatment schedule of this category of patients resulted in elimination of objective symptoms, which resulted in fast and effective improvement of the general condition, while in patients of the control group, taking only general purpose therapy, the condition improvement was very slow and after the end of treatment subjective neurological symptoms have returned. It is significant that Endoluten treatment has marked aftereffect: after the end of application of the drug the improvement of the patient condition remained and was stable during the whole period of observation - no more than 1-3 month.

    Thus Endoluten administration is a perspective direction for the therapy of pathological conditions connected to neurovegative function disorders, including climacteric syndrome, physiogenic asthenia, vegetative-vascular dystonia and other psychovegative disorders.

    Oncological patients have been also taking Endoluten, they were the patients mainly with hormone-dependent tumors (breast cancer, cervical cancer and other locations), after surgical treatment and after courses of radiation and chemotherapy as a adjunct to the general purpose treatment. The patients were complaining of un-wellness, decreased muscular tone, decrease in appetite, apathy. Before treatment all the patients had changes of hemogram, mostly leucopenia and lymphocytopenia.

    Table 4

    Influence of Endoluten on immunological parameters of blood of oncological patients


    Endoluten administration in oncological patients of the basic group resulted in reliable increase in the total number of leucocytes, lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes of the blood, and improvement of functional activity of T-cells (table 4). The indicated changes were correlated with positive dynamics of subjective condition: appetite and sleep improvement, increase in the muscle tone, decrease in apathy.

    The study results have shown that Endoluten is expedient in oncological patients after the courses of radiation and chemotherapy for improvement of the general condition, keeping an optimum level of hematological and immunological indices in peripheral blood, preventing a development of infectious complications.

    Inclusion of Endoluten into the complex treatment of various diseases, related to neuroendocrine regulation disorders, does not result in any side effects, drug dependence, contraindications.

    Thus the results obtained confirm treatment and prophylactic efficiency of Endoluten and expediency of its administration in complex treatment and prophylaxis of patients with various pathological conditions and diseases related to neuroendocrine regulation of the main functions of the organism

    The dietary supplement Endoluten normalizes metabolism in neuroendocrine system cells, in particular the pineal gland (epiphysis) and promotes restoration of neuroendocrine regulation and basic functions of the organism.

    Endoluten is well tolerated by patients at oral administration; it does not result in any side effects and can be widely used as a treatment and prophylactic dietary supplement.

    Recommended Endoluten dosage
    · In patients with dyshormonal myocardiodystrophy - per os 10-15 minutes before meal 1-2 capsules 2-3 times a day for 15-30 days depending on severity of the pathological process.
    · In patients with mild and moderate climacteric syndrome per os 10-15 minutes before meal 1-2 capsules 2-3 times a day for 30-60 days depending on severity of the pathological process.
    · In patients with physiogenic asthenia - per os 10-15 minutes before meal 1-2 capsules 2-3 times a day for 15-30 days depending on severity of the pathological process.
    · In oncological patients after radiation or chemotherapy - per os 10-15 minutes before meal 1-2 capsules 2-3 times a day for 30 days depending on severity of the pathological process.
    · For prophylaxis in patients, whose professional activity is connected to psychoemotional stress, high physical and emotional loads - per os 10-15 minutes before meal 1 capsule, 2 times a day for 15-30 days.
    Carry out another treatment course in 3-6 months if needed. It is expedient to recommend Endoluten for treatment and prophylaxis use.

    1. Karpov R.S., SlepoushkinV.D., Mordovin V.F., Havinson V.H., Morozov V.G., Grischenko V.I. Use of epyphisis drugs in clinical practice. - Tomsk: Publishing house of Tomsk university, 1985. - 152 pages
    2. Mashkovsky M.D. Medicines: Pharmacotherapy for doctors, manual: 2 parts. - Vilnius: ZAO “Gamta”, 1993.
    3. Novikov V.S., Smirnov V.S. Immune physiology of extreme conditions. - SPb.: Nauka, 1995. - 172 pages
    4. Pierpaoli V., Regelson U. Magic of melatonin: Translated from English. - M.: Vostochnaya knizhnaya compania, 1997. - 256 pages
    5. Slepoushkin V.D., Anisimov V.N., Havinson V.H., Morozov V.G., Vasiliev N.V., Kosykh V.A. Epiphysis, immunity and cancer. - Tomsk: Publishing house of Tomsk University, 1900. - 148 pages
    6. Teppermen G., Teppermen H. Physiology of metabolism and endocrine system: Translated from English. - M.: Mir, 1989. - 656 pages



    Please note: You should always consult a primary care physician/health practitioner of choice when considering the use of any products for health purposes, especially when undergoing treatment for an existing condition.

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