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Myco-Force Immunity 150g Medicinal Mushroom Blend

Maximize Digestion and Assimilation


Enzymes are crucially involved in nearly all body processes, including the breakdown of food so that it is utilizable. All food cooked over approximately 118 degrees Fahrenheit is devoid of enzymes. Cooking, canning, and other processes destroy vital enzymes. So, if you eat cooked food, it is essential to replace the enzymes that have been destroyed.


Lack of Enzymes = Lack of Health!

High Level Health Can NOT exist without high levels of enzymes!


The body places great importance on digestion, so it produces its own enzymes in the absence of any. Yet, it does so at great expense to your health, as is explained later in this article.


Lack of enzymes causes your food to be only partially digested. Thus, nutrients are less available, and the undigested food is actually quite harmful to your body.


Digestion Enhancement Enzymes™ significantly increase the absorption, assimilation, and utilization of food and other supplements taken with it. It also minimizes toxic, totally undigested, or only partially digested food particles. Some of these toxic particles otherwise enter the bloodstream and cause problems there (such as allergies), while others are fermented or putrefied by bacteria, producing gas.

In addition, having to produce all of the digestive enzymes on its own drains the body and causes its production of metabolic enzymes to diminish (not good for one's health, causing disease, aging, degeneration, lack of vitality, and more).


Metabolic enzymes include metabolic antioxidant enzymes. If enzyme-less foods (cooked/heated over approximately 118 degrees Fahrenheit) or unsoaked nuts/seeds/grains are eaten, the body's supply of metabolic antioxidant enzymes will diminish and your cells will suffer more free radical damage. Free radicals are one of the direct causative agents in disease and aging, and keeping them under control is essential to health.


Digestion Enhancement Enzymes™ will help to nutritionally support increased levels of metabolic antioxidants.


Digestion Enhancement Enzymes™ significantly increase the absorption, assimilation, and utilization of food and other supplements taken with it.


They also minimize highly toxic, partially digested food particles from entering the blood stream (which can cause allergies) and from being fermented or putrefied in the intestines, producing gas.


Digestion Enhancement Enzymes™ also support higher levels of natural metabolic antioxidant enzymes.

A major cause of ill health is a lack of metabolic enzymes (including metabolic antioxidant enzymes), which basically make everything happen in our bodies. The higher your metabolic enzyme level, the greater your ability to cleanse, heal, and regenerate.


To be healthy, we need (among other things) to fully digest our food and have high levels of metabolic enzymes. The way to do this is to give your body the best nutrition you can via lots of raw, uncooked plant foods, regenerative bio-compatible nutritional supplements, and supplemental digestive enzymes, among other things.


Raw foods do have enzymes in them and are preferable to cooked foods for this and many other reasons.

Unfortunately, most raw foods may no longer have ideal levels of enzymes because of low mineral soils. However, if you are eating a entirely raw foods diet without any unsoaked nuts or seeds, supplemental digestive enzymes are significantly less important for you. NOTE: Raw, unsoaked nuts, seeds, nut and seed butters, and raw, unsoaked grains require digestive enzymes for greater health due to the presence of natural enzyme inhibitors in the previously mentioned foods.


Digestion Enhancement Enzymes™ will replace enzymes totally absent in cooked foods and possibly lowered in raw foods. Therefore, your food will be better digested and your body's precious metabolic enzyme reserve will not be drained, thus greatly enhancing your assimilation of food and supplements, and your ability to cleanse, heal, and regenerate (regardless of your health challenge).

Remember, you are what you digest and assimilate, not just what you eat.


Plant vs. Animal Enzymes

Plant enzymes work in all stages of digestion, including the pre-digestive phase. Animal enzymes (usually from slaughterhouse pancreases) are only active in the later stages of digestion, and do not accomplish any predigestion, making them far less effective.


For the aforementioned reasons, it is optimal to take Digestion Enhancement Enzymes™ every time you eat (more with cooked food; less with raw food). Digestion Enhancement Enzymes™ will digest protein, fat, carbohydrates, and cellulose.


Taking Digestion Enhancement Enzymes™ with other supplements will further enhance the absorption,

and therefore utilization, of them. The healthier you live your life, the less stress there is on any organ, including the liver. It is our experience (using iridology and live blood cell analysis) that a large number of people have a significant level of liver stress. Usually the older and/or more toxic someone becomes, the more liver stress there is.


60 Servings per bottle


Each 2 VeganCaps™ provide:

• Protease - 25,000 HUT

• Acid Specific Protease - 200 SAP

• Lipase - 400 LU

• Amylase - 5,000 DU

• Cellulase - 1000 CMC

• Lactase - 400 LAC

• Bromelain (from pineapple) - 10,000 FCC

• Papain (from papaya) - 12,000 PU


Other Ingredients: Rice maltodextrin, cellulose (capsule), magnesium stearate (vegetable source), MCT (medium chain triglycerides), and silica


Suggested Use: 1-5 per meal, depending on amount of cooked food and difficulty of digestion. Animal flesh/dairy/eggs and unsoaked nuts/seeds require 5. Tofu, grains, potatoes require 2-3. Cooked veggies require 1-2. The more cooked food (or unsoaked nuts/seeds) you eat, the more Digestion Enhancement


Enzymes™ you need to take to replace the enzymes lost in cooking.

Save money on enzymes by eating more raw foods, and therefore requiring less of them!

Myco-Force Immunity 150g Medicinal Mushroom Blend

$47.95 Regular Price
$44.95Sale Price

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    These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or the American Medical Association. Our technologies, products, services and information is for informational, educational and/or scientific experimental purposes only, and is not intended to: 1- Diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease; and 2 - Replace or substitute the advice and/or services of a physician or other qualified health care professional. Any attempt to diagnose and treat illness should come under the direction and supervision of a qualified health care professional or physician. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, always consult your physician before using any product or service.

    The entire contents of is based upon the opinions of Modern Health Coach LLC, unless otherwise noted. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Modern Health Coach LLC and his community. Modern Health Coach LLC encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your own instincts, research and a partnership with a qualified health care professional. Be well, live long and prosper!

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