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Russian Peptide Bio-Regulators - Poor Man's Stem Cell Therapy

Writer's picture: Modern Health CoachModern Health Coach

Updated: Feb 18, 2019

Poor Man's Stem Cell Therapy is Now Here at MHC! What Organs Do YOU Want to Regrow?

The SHORT Version on How Peptide Bioregulators Can Improve your Quality and Quantity of LIFE:

Click HERE to go straight to the NEW peptide bioregulator product roster listed in alphabetical by organ name... OK! Let us get on with the revolutionary short and long versions of this game changing product launch...

Professor Vladamir Khavanson's Russian peptide research team began after WWII to improve soldiers eyes from laser exposure, nuclear radiation submarine exposure and other harsh conditions soldiers endured. Over 40 years of research and totally safe with no adverse reactions what so ever, when used on over 15 million human users.Peptide bioregulators unlock stem cell availability and usage from DNA.

Peptides act like enzymes' to catalyze your DNA to use your stem cells to achieve homeostasis restoration per organ, gland or tissue.Combine peptides by organs' associated like eg. kidney with bladder for more profound effects. Blood vessel peptide helps to make all other peptides work better.Pineal and thymus peptides taken together have shown to extend life 20% - 30% in flies, mice, and rats with recent human research experiments indicating human life extension increase of 20% - 40%.More convenient and affordable than stem cell therapy with no immune issues suppression needed with peptide bioregulators that is normally needed with the expensive stem cell therapy.

It is recommended to take peptides two to three times a year. Younger folks can get away with just the 20 pill pack. While folks in their 40s or 50s+ should be taking the 60 pill packs 2 to 3 time a year per organ for best results.The research recommended taking the synthetic peptides before taking the natural peptides for best effectiveness.I took blood vessel, cartridge and prostate 20 packs and can say that my hands felt warmer in the morning, my old knee a hip and back injuries were not noticeable and my male plumbing shut off more succinct and tidier than normal.

Other friends of MHC and friends initial test round had mentioned: "not as cold and better hand feeling" when taking blood vessel peptides, "more sustained energy and no crash" when taking adrenal peptides, and "feeling better overall and more vivid dreams" on pineal peptide. What organs do you want to regrow organs and help to achieve homeostasis restoration?Your yearly maintenance plan per organ could cost from approximately $110 to $450 a year, depending on 2 or 3 times per year on 20 or 60 count packs purchased from MHC. A great bargain considering the proven and safe results! Dosage instructions are on the box in English. Enjoy and please provide feedback to our holistic collective here at MHC...


The LONGER Version on How Peptide Bioregulators Can Improve Your Quality and Quantity of LIFE:

Ground Breaking Research Yields Significant Results on over 15 Million People Worldwide, Over 40 Years of Clinical, Experimental, Gauged and Regular Usage of Peptide Bioregulators.

There is still no way to stop aging but thanks to the Russian researchers' intensive work during the last 40 years, we finally have nutritional supplements (peptide bioregulators) that are proven to slow down aging by reducing peptide deficiency and restoring cell peptide-protein cycles in the body. The peptide biorgulators are sold in two sizes 20 & 60 pill packs. There are peptides of 19 natural products (bovine sourced) and 12 synthesized peptides that cover almost every bodily system and organ. We now have a safe, effective, convenient and economical solution to restoring organ specific homeostasis in peptide bioregulators from MHC. Besides supplying MHC and in turn you, with top notch peptide bioregulators, Professor Vladimir Khavinson is now the President of the European Academy of Gerontology and Geriatrics, but in the 1980’s he was a Colonel in the Soviet Union military medical corps. When, he and his Russian research team were approached by Kremlin officials, they wanted them to find a way to protect their troops from a barrage of human military exposures; for instance radiation from nuclear submarines and troops that may be blinded from experimental battlefield lasers. What their secret Russian research uncovered then, was a remarkable link between short chain peptides and DNA. These peptides can be found somewhat in food but unlike proteins, peptides can enter the blood through the stomach. Through a comprehensive list of patents and even copyrighted PowerPoint slides, the Russian research group is clearly demonstrating that each of the concentrated peptide bioregulators interact with particular strands of DNA - effectively and very specifically activating repair and regenerative processes (aka protein synthesis). This is an incredible story since what we are describing here are individualized GENE SWITCHES and since they have been tested for 40 years now on 15 million individuals, without report of any serious side effects or contraindications to date, they could be set to ‘out do’ stem cells. Why? Because this peptide therapy is relatively inexpensive, highly specific, can be taken orally and doesn’t require any suppression of the immune system to operate fully, unlike the more expensive stem cell therapy. Hence, MHC dubbed peptide bioregulators "poor man's stem cell therapy!" Professor Khavinson and his internationally acclaimed team at the St Petersburg Institute of Biogerontology published research is in the open and it identifies that: 1) Basically, our bodies make thousands of specific proteins that serve important roles in everyday functioning— in fact, the human body is about 45% protein on a dry matter basis. 2) Each organ / gland / tissue has a biological reserve of stem cells and despite the origin of the tissue they have studied, incredibly each one is always set at 42%. We can think of these 42% stem cells as "spare parts" for rough times in one's lifetime to rebuild organs, glands and tissue. 3) Khavinson's group also discovered that each organ / gland / tissue uses a highly specific short chain peptide to act as a ‘short cut’ to initiate protein synthesis. Protein synthesis is what your cells use to replicate itself tens of thousands of times before the specific cell dies. Peptides are Organ Specific DNA Stem Cell Activators The information about different proteins is stored in the DNA. In order to launch protein synthesis (to regenerate cells) a DNA fragment, a gene, has to be activated by peptides. Peptide bioregulators are relatively short chains of amino acids bound by peptide bonds and they are an essential part of the cell self-regulating mechanism: Cells constantly degrade aged proteins by breaking them down into amino acids and peptides. Some of these peptides match specific parts in the cell DNA following the lock-key principle. As a result, the peptide resumes the synthesis of the protein from which it was originally built. When the protein ages, it is fragmented into the same peptides once again. All of this forms a circular process that is vital to cell life. Please see below flow chart diagram of this protein synthesis process. 📷

However, due to extended exposure to environmental hazards and stress this cell self-regulating mechanism is compromised and we become peptide deficient. Peptide deficiency leads to cell malfunction and eventually to diseases and premature aging. Luckily, we can restore the peptide-protein cycle with specific peptide supplements. 📷 Eventually, peptides have been extracted from almost every (human, animal and bovine) bodily system and demonstrated amazing tissue-specific properties, i.e., the peptides have significantly beneficial effects on the organs from which they were extracted. Eye for an eye! The fact is that peptides are apparently evolutionarily the oldest cell self-regulating mechanism and as their structure is quite simple (amino acid molecule with peptide bonds) they have not undergone any constructional changes over time. That means that peptides in animals and humans are identical. Besides it was also proven that peptide intake can only normalize the protein synthesis and cannot over stimulate it as a cell cannot take more peptides than it needs to achieve homeostasis restoration.

📷 📷 📷 HERE and HERE are reference links to the abstract of the study illustrated above. Pineal and thymus peptides have been reported to extend life 20% - 40%! See below for the peptide combinations that can be recommended for the use of certain health situations. Such complexes usually consist of two, three, sometimes four peptide preparations, which can be used to support the restoration of the functions of a system, most effectively. It is important to note that peptide bioregulators synergize very well with each other. They can also be very good with any therapeutic drugs that are prescribed to treat a disease by the doctor, combine. They also harmonize perfectly with any other nutritional supplements, food, drink, etc. When and how to take peptides? It is advised to start taking peptide supplements upon reaching 35 years of age as a preventive measure against premature aging. At this stage two to three 10-day courses of the basic products per year are sufficient to maintain the body's well-being. These basic products are Vladonix, Cerluten, Ventfort, Sigumir, Svetinorm and if a person works night shifts or often takes intercontinental flights, Endoluten. They regulate the function of the systems that age faster. If required, other peptides could be added as another ten-day course, based on individual needs. Starting from 40-45 years of age, two courses a year become necessary, with 2 capsules daily for 30 days per course. The health in the decades to follow will majorly be influenced by the degree of recovery achieved during this period. It is crucial to start timely biannual intake of extensive anti-age courses that include Endoluten, Vladonix, Cerluten, Ventfort, Sigumir, Svetinorm, Chelohart and for men Libidon, Testoluten, for women Zhenoluten and Thyreogen. Additional peptides are chosen based on individual needs and predispositions. Generally, the older we get, the more organs that require additional support. Starting from 50-55 years of age, it is generally recommended to increase the number of courses a year from two to three. If you need to take more than 5 peptide products it is usually advised to split the course in several months so that each month you take 5 products or fewer. Please note for better absorption some peptides are taken 30 minutes before meals. Peptide bioregulators for usage by the bodily systems. Natural peptide product names are listed first then after the word "or" are the synthetic peptide producs ~ Digestive system: Svetinorm, Suprefort, Stamakort or Ovagen, Vesugen, Crystagen Vascular system: Ventfort, Svetinorm, Vladonix or Vesugen, Crystagen Cardiovascular system: Chelokhart, Ventfort, Svetinorm Central nervous system: Cerluten, Ventfort, Svetinorm or Pinealon, Vesugen, Ovagen Immune system: Vladonix, Endoluten, Ventfort or Crystagen, Vesugen, Ovagen Locomotor apparatus: Sigumir, Ventfort, Vladonix or Cartalax, Vesugen, Crystagen Carbohydrate metabolism: Suprefort, Endoluten, Ventfort Respiratory system: Chonluten, Crystagen, Vesugen Lipoprotein metabolism: Svetinorm, Suprefort, Ventfort Thyroid gland: Thyreogen, Ventfort Vision: Visoluten, Cerluten, Ventfort Kidneys: Pielotax, Ventfort After radio and chemotherapy, psycho-emotional stress and similar adverse factors: Vladonix, Svetinorm, Endoluten or Vesugen, Ovagen, Chonluten Click HERE to go straight to the NEW peptide bioregulator product roster listed in alphabetical by organ name...


Ok folks that is what I have put together to back up the very exciting news here at MHC.... The Russian Peptide Revolution is coming to the USA and beyond! Thanks for reading! Lookout in a couple weeks with Giving Thanks SALES newsletter...

God Bless Amen, Be well ~ B-Rad

Poor Man's Stem Cell Therapy is Now Here at MHC! What Organs Do YOU Want to Regrow?

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