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Organic Chlorella Cracked Cell Wall - 1200 Tablets

Product Features:


  • Chlorella Growth Factor supports cellular repair, detoxification, immune function, and feeds friendly gut bacteria for GI health*
  • Combats damaging effects of free radicals and exposure to radioactive isotopes*
  • Chlorella is the richest source of chlorophyll in a food
  • Broken cell wall – Pressure-Release® method
  • Carefully processed to maintain integrity of fragile nutrients


Chlorella Manna™ is an incredible source of full-spectrum, non-toxic, absorbable nutrients, and compounds. Chlorella sorokiniana UTEX 1230 (formerly known as Chlorella pyrenoidosa before it was taxonomically reclassified by the scientific community) is grown outdoors in Taiwan. Chlorella Manna™ is a single-celled, green freshwater alga that is prepared using a pressure-release processing method that ensures a broken cell wall and superior digestibility. This method effectively opens the tough cellulose walls and micronizes it down to a more digestible, smaller sized particle while allowing accessibility to nutrients.

Chlorella is 50–60% protein. It is a complete protein source, meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids. Chlorella is the only plant on the planet that can quadruple its growth in less than one day. Chlorella Growth Factor (“CGF”) is produced during photosynthesis. CGF is a potent phytonutrient comprised of amino acids, beta-glucans, nucleic acids, peptides, and polysaccharides which supports health at a cellular level. Chlorella Manna™ also supports detoxification with an abundant chlorophyll content and its ability to bind and potentially chelate toxins.*


Chlorella Manna™ is free of fillers, binders, isolates, or flow agents. Chlorella Manna™ is certified organic, vegan, kosher, and gluten-free. TruGanic™ Purity: Free of pesticides, GMOs, and irradiation; verified by actual testing. Lab tested for botanical identity, heavy metals, and microbiological activity. Available in powder and tablets. EcoFresh™ packaging delivers superior freshness. Manufactured in U.S. vegan facility free of gluten, peanuts, and tree nuts.


“Mother Nature has put miraculous healing plants on this earth for us to benefit from. I am honored and deeply driven to uncover the greatest potential benefits from these elements and to assemble these gifts from Nature into products that help people to heal and to realize their full potential. I am deeply committed to developing the highest quality nutritional products – with a reverence for all life. I wish you great health and happiness always.”
Dr. Jameth Sheridan – Naturopath and Hard-Core Herbal Medicine Researcher

Organic Chlorella Cracked Cell Wall - 1200 Tablets

$69.95 Regular Price
$63.95Sale Price

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    These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or the American Medical Association. Our technologies, products, services and information is for informational, educational and/or scientific experimental purposes only, and is not intended to: 1- Diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease; and 2 - Replace or substitute the advice and/or services of a physician or other qualified health care professional. Any attempt to diagnose and treat illness should come under the direction and supervision of a qualified health care professional or physician. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, always consult your physician before using any product or service.

    The entire contents of is based upon the opinions of Modern Health Coach LLC, unless otherwise noted. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Modern Health Coach LLC and his community. Modern Health Coach LLC encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your own instincts, research and a partnership with a qualified health care professional. Be well, live long and prosper!

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